Search several resources for archived YouTube video and metadata
This is a website that will help you find a private or deleted YouTube video if you have the link.
If you don't have the link, this site won't help you.
Copy the link and paste it into the box above. Then click "Search for Captures". Some of the services this website queries are slow, so be patient.
Once all the services have been queried, the results will appear. The results section shows the name of each service, and whether the service has the video or not. A link to the archived material will be provided if there is one. If there isn't, there should be some extra text provided that sheds some light on how to retrieve it.
Metadata is information about the video. This might be the title, description, thumbnail, etc. Metadata can be useful for searching further. It's always possible there's a reupload of the video that this website simply didn't find, and knowing the title and description can be a big help in finding one.
If you have any questions or need further help, contact me! I can be reached by email at and on IRC with the username TheTechRobo (I'm on, hackint, and OFTC).